Posts Tagged ‘Science and Tech’



Every optical scanner is a camera, this is the fact which I never realized before visiting Solo Smart tech inc. this past Friday I was lucky enough to see one of the greatest achievement and innovation by Pakistan. I am talking about FaceXs (Facial Recognition Device) a device which can handle almost every issue regarding access control.

Security is a big issue today even at schools kids have to go through scanning this the best example I could give, but security is one new thing as a few years back security was not as big issue as it is now however there is one thing which is there for a long time and that is ghost attendance at workplaces specially when it is a government institution. Many things came into the scene, RFID system, biometric scanners and many other things.

The card scanning system Also known as RFID system is something which is very famous snapping card to get access to the controlled areas just like what we have seen in old 007 movies. Are we still sure that there is no ghost attendance in practice when RFID is doing its job. Sure one can show more than one cards to mark the attendance, and there are some issues too card got stolen, one forget to carry it, and it got scratched even.

To me RFID is not a cost effective idea, generating so many cards and keep issuing them after the occurrence of any of the above issues. Every year companies have to spend big bucks every time they issue new cards. The one thing I like about FaceXs is it is one time investment and no need to issue new cards and the best thing “one can forget to carry his card but no one fill forget to bring his face with him”.

Now come to the technology of finger prints and thumb impressions, not a bad Idea but still one have to touch the machine. Imagine that the finger is soaked with cream, ghee, sweat, or any other thing and the scanning panel. I do not think that I have to say any other thing as if you have good imagination you can get idea what the scanning surface has to go through.

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